
Golf Insurance

Golf insurance provided by Golfguard Ltd

Bronze Worldwide Personal Liability/ Personal Accident Insurance Cover

Summary of benefits provided

Section 1

A) Personal Liability to £5,000,000 in respect of legal liability for bodily injury to a third party

B) Personal Liability to £5,000,000 in respect of legal liability for damage to third party property

C) Non-Negligence Cover to £5,000 in respect of accidental damage to third party property irrespective of legal liability


Section 2

Personal Accident Cover (to 89 years) :

To £50,000 (Juniors £4,000) in respect of Death/Loss of Limb(s) or Eye(s) / Permanent Total Disablement

Hole In One

In the event of a Hole in One in an official Golf club/Society competition (Medal or Stableford competition) reimbursement of bar bill in respect of a round of drinks incurred on the day of achievement up to £100 will be made to an insured member